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Radio Journalism

Recording Studio

Don has had formal voice-over training and does freelance reporting for the Living On Earth environmental radio program, which is distributed by Public Radio International and airs weekly on 250 National Public Radio stations.


Don mainly writes and narrates “Science Notes”, which are short segments on environmentally-related emerging science. Don occasionally does full story segments as well.

Latest Science Notes

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A glass frog (Rulyrana susatamai) sits on a leaf. (Photo: Mauricio Rivera Correa, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.5)

Social Mammal Longevity

October 13, 2023


A recent study found that mammals that live in groups tend to live longer than solitary mammal species, even after accounting for other factors. Living on Earth’s Don Lyman explains why being social appears to benefit members of a group and help them live longer.


full transcript here


A glass frog (Rulyrana susatamai) sits on a leaf. (Photo: Mauricio Rivera Correa, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.5)

Glass Frogs

July 28, 2023


So-called glass frogs have translucent skin, which shows their internal organs. Living on Earth’s Don Lyman reports that these frogs have a special kind of blood that helps them camouflage when sleeping.


full transcript here


Anoles can pull off impressive feats of underwater breathing. The secret, researchers found, is the lizard’s ability to “rebreathe” using a bubble that forms around its snout. (Photo: Adrien Chateignier, Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

How Lizards Can Breathe Underwater

May 26, 2023


Some anole lizards can stay underwater for up to 20 minutes to evade predators, and now researchers have discovered their secret. Living on Earth’s Don Lyman reports that these lizards use a bubble of air around their snouts and rebreathe the bubble in and out.


full transcript here

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